2017/05-2020/10,英国巴斯大学,机械工程学院,Research Associate
(1) 新能源动力(燃料电池、动力电池)及整车能量管理;
(2) 余热能回收利用及超低排放内燃机技术;
(3) 低碳/零碳及双燃料先进动力系统;
(4) 人工智能及数字孪生技术。
[1]. Zhu S, Akhaust S, Andy L, Hao Y. A review of the pre-chamber ignition system applied on future low-carbon spark ignition engines [J] Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (IF: 14.982), 2021,111872.
[2]. Zhu S, Ma Z, Zhang K, Deng K. Thermodynamic and techno-economic comparisons of the steam injected turbocompounding system with conventional steam Rankine cycle systems in recovering waste heat from the marine two-stroke engine [J]. Energy (IF: 7.147), 2022, 123245.
[3]. Zhu S, Zhang K, Deng K. A review of waste heat recovery from the marine engine with highly efficient bottoming power cycles [J] Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (IF: 14.982), 2020, 120: 109611.
[4]. Zhu S, Ma Z, Zhang K, Deng K. Energy and exergy analysis of the combined cycle power plant recovering waste heat from the marine two-stroke engine under design and off-design conditions [J]. Energy (IF: 7.147), 2020, 118558.
[5]. Zhu S, Ma Z, Zhang K, Deng K. Energy and exergy analysis of a novel steam injected turbocompounding system applied on the marine two-stroke diesel engine [J] Energy Conversion and Management (IF: 9.709), 2020, 221: 113207.
[6]. Zhu S, Gu Y, Yuan H, Deng K Thermodynamic analysis of the turbocharged marine two-stroke engine cycle with different scavenging air control technologies [J] Energy (IF: 7.147), 2020, 191: 116533.
[7]. Zhu S, Hu B, Akehurst S, et al. A review of water injection applied on the internal combustion engine[J]. Energy Conversion and Management (IF: 9.709), 2019, 184: 139-158.
[8]. Zhu S, Liu S, Qu S, et al. Thermodynamic and experimental researches on matching strategies of the pre-turbine steam injection and the Miller cycle applied on a turbocharged diesel engine[J]. Energy (IF: 7.147), 2017, 140: 488-505.
[9]. Zhu S, Deng K, Liu S, et al. Comparative analysis and evaluation of turbocharged Dual and Miller cycles under different operating conditions[J]. Energy (IF: 7.147), 2015, 93: 75-87.
[10]. Zhu S, Deng K, Liu S. Modeling and extrapolating mass flow characteristics of a radial turbocharger turbine[J]. Energy (IF: 7.147), 2015, 87: 628-637.