2005.09-2009.06: 北京航空航天大学,高等工程学院,工程力学,学士
2009.09-2015.06: 北京航空航天大学,航空科学与工程学院,流体力学,博士
2015.09-2019.07: yh86银河国际官方网站,能源与动力工程学院,在职博士后
2017.02-2018.02: 香港大学,生物医学学院,生物力学,访问学者
2015.07-2020.09: yh86银河国际官方网站,能源与动力工程学院,热工与流体所,助理研究员
2020.09至今: yh86银河国际官方网站,能源与动力工程学院,热工与流体所,副教授
1. 2016.11-2018.11: 地球再入/外行星进入飞行器高温流场热辐射特性建模研究,山东省自然科学基金中青年科学家科研奖励基金,课题负责人
2. 2016.11–2018.11: 火星进入飞行器热化学非平衡流场的建模与分析,中国博士后科学基金面上项目,课题负责人
3. 2019.07-2022.06: 再入飞行器热化学非平衡流场非Boltzmann效应的态精确模拟与建模研究,山东省自然科学基金青年基金,课题负责人
4. 2021.01-2023.12: 高超声速流场高温大气内能态非Boltzmann分布效应的建模与机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金,课题负责人
1. Jingying Wang, Wen Huang, Yue Zhou, et al. Hemodynamic Analysis of VenaTech convertible vena cava filter using computational fluid dynamics. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2020, 8: 556110
2. Jingying Wang, Fangzhou Han, Li Lei, Chunhian Lee. Numerical study of high-temperature flow around reentry vehicle coupled with thermal radiation. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 2020, 16(3): 601-613
3. Chang Guo, Ming Gao, Jingying Wang, et al. The effect of blade outlet angle on the acoustic field distribution characteristics of a centrifugal pump based on Powell vortex sound theory. Applied Acoustics, 2019, 155: 297-308 (共同通讯)
4. Jingying Wang, Pengfei Ju, Li Lei. A two-dimensional finite volume scheme solving the axisymmetric radiative heat transfer based on general structured grids. Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 2019, 14(1): 18-00565
5. 王京盈, 郝佳傲, 杜广生, 李椿萱. 再入飞行器流场热辐射输运解算方法库研究. 工程热物理学报, 2017, 38(9): 1972-1979
6. Jiaao Hao, Jingying Wang, Chunhian Lee. Assessment of vibration-dissociation coupling models for hypersonic nonequilibrium simulations. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2017, 67: 433-442 (通讯作者)
7. Jiaao Hao, Jingying Wang, Chunhian Lee. State-specific simulation of oxygen vibrational excitation and dissociation behind a normal shock. Chemical Physics Letters, 2017, 681: 69-74 (通讯作者)
8. Jiaao Hao, Jingying Wang, Zhenxun Gao, et al. Comparison of transport properties models for numerical simulations of Mars entry vehicles. Acta Astronautica, 2017, 130: 24-33 (通讯作者)
9. Jiaao Hao, Jingying Wang, Chunhian Lee. Numerical study of hypersonic flows over reentry configurations with different chemical nonequilibrium models. Acta Astronautica, 2016, 126: 1-10 (通讯作者)
10. 郝佳傲, 王京盈, 高振勋, 等. 高速高温流场电子能非平衡的数值模拟. 航空学报, 2016, 37(11): 3340-3350 (通讯作者)
11. Jingying Wang, Zhenxun Gao, Chunhian Lee. An iterative technique for coupled conduction-radiation heat transfer in semitransparent media. Numerical Heat Transfer A, 2015, 67(11): 1208-1231
12. Jingying Wang, Zhenxun Gao, Chunhian Lee. An decoupled procedure for convection-radiation simulation in scramjets. Sci. China Tech. Sci., 2014, 57(12): 2551-2566
实验条件:1. 充足的超算硬件资源;2. 拥有自主研发的CFD软件.
邮箱: wjy_sdu@sdu.edu.cn