气体/液体碳氢燃料火焰特性(燃烧建模、火焰化学动力学,火焰光学诊断),碳中和燃料清洁高效利用技术、高温蒸汽热解有机质研究。主持中国博士后基金面上项目1项,山东省自然科学基金项目1项, yh86银河国际官方网站基本科研业务费资助项目1项,yh86银河国际官方网站教育教学改革研究项目1项。
1. Huanhuan Xu, Fengshan Liu, Zhi-Qiang Wang, Xiao Han Ren, Juan Chen, Qiang Li, Zilin Zhu*. A detailed numerical study of NOx kinetics in counterflow methane diffusion flames: effects of fuel-side versus oxidizer-side dilution. Journal of Combustion. 2021, 6642734: 1-15.
2. Xiaohan Ren, Huanhuan Xu*, Fengshan Liu, Zhiqiang Wang*, Qiang Li. Effects of oxygen concentration on the thermal and chemical structures of laminar coflow CO/H2 diffusion flames burning in O2/H2O atmosphere. Fuel 2020, 270: 117474.
3. Huanhuan Xu, Liu Fengshan, Sun Shaozeng, et al. A systematic numerical study of the laminar burning velocity of iso-octane/syngas/air mixtures. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 195: 598-608.
4. Cuiqi Zhang, longfei Chen*, Shuiting Ding, Huanhuan Xu, Guangze Li, Jean-Louis Consalvi, Fengshan Liu. Effects of soot inception and condensation PAH species and fuel preheating on soot formation modeling in laminar coflow CH4/air diffusion flames doped with n-heptane/toluene mixtures. Fuel, 2019, 253:1371-1377.
5. Huanhuan Xu, Fengshan Liu, Shaozeng Sun, et al. Flame attachment and kinetics studies of laminar coflow CO/H2 diffusion flames burning in O2/H2O. Combustion and Flame, 2018, 196: 147-159.
6. Huanhuan Xu, Liu Fengshan, Sun Shaozeng, et al. Influence of preheating and burner geometry on modelling the attachment of laminar coflow CH4/air diffusion flames. Combustion and Flame, 2018, 191:381-393.
7. Huanhuan Xu*, Shaozeng Sun, Fengshan Liu, et al. An experimental and computational study of OH formation in laminar coflow syngas diffusion flames. Fuel, 2018, 225: 47-53.
8. Pengxiang Wang, Tingting Guo, Huanhuan Xu, YijunZhao*, Shun Meng, Dongdong Feng, Shaozeng Sun. Study on the effect of H2O on the formation of CO in the counterflow diffusion flame of H2/CO syngas under O2/H2O. Fuel, 2018, 234: 516-525.
9. Huanhuan Xu, Liu Fengshan, Sun Shaozeng, et al. Effects of H2O and CO2 diluted oxidizer on the structure and shape of laminar coflow syngas diffusion flames. Combustion and Flame, 2017, 177: 67-78.
10. Shun Meng, Shaozeng Sun, Huanhuan Xu, et al. The effects of water addition on the laminar flame speeds of CO/H2/O2/H2O mixtures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(25): 10976-10985.
11. Shaozeng Sun, Shun Meng, Yijun Zhao, Huanhuan Xu, et al. Experimental and theoretical studies of laminar flame speed of CO/H2 in O2/H2O atmosphere. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(4): 3272-3283.
1. 许焕焕*, 葛一, 李 强, 任霄汉, 朱子霖, 马春元. 氨燃料及应用技术研究进展. 东北电力大学学报. 2022年4月, 第42卷, 1-13.
2. 许焕焕*, 王志强, 陈娟, 董振强. 基于学生课堂参与度提升的《工程燃烧学》教学改革与实践.中国现代教育装备, 2021.12:169-172. (教改论文)
3. 孙绍增, 孟顺, 赵义军, 许焕焕等. 水蒸气纯氧条件下合成气燃烧特性[J]. 化工学报, 2015, 66(12): 5119-5126.
4. 孙绍增,秦裕琨,许焕焕. 因地制宜地制定适合中国国情的NOx排放标准. 中国电力企业管理,2011.09 28-29.
1. Shihong Ye, Miaomiao Hao, Haoran Guo, Lin Lu, Huanhuan Xu*, Xiaohan Ren. A review of motivations, methods, and achievements on microgravity combustion research. E3S Web of Conferences. Vol. 300. EDP Sciences, 2021.
2. Huanhuan Xu*, Fengshan Liu, Xiaohan Ren, Zhiqiang Wang, Shaozeng Sun. Effects of oxidizer composition on the structure of laminar coflow (CO-H2)/(O2/H2O) diffusion flames. 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Fukuoka, Japan. July 2019.
1. 许焕焕,葛一,马春元,王志强,任霄汉,钱钊,卢林,朱子霖. 一种基于氨分解的掺氢低氮燃烧系统和方法. 发明专利,授权, 2022.04中国. ZL202110250647. X
2. 马春元,许焕焕,马乔,王志强,陈娟,苑仁晓,任霄汉,朱子霖。一种“风-氢氨-煤”蓄能调峰联合发电系统和方法. 发明专利, 受理,2021. 04 中国. 2021104129859
3. 王志强, 周广栋, 许焕焕, 程星星, 付加鹏. 一种强预混燃烧的燃气燃烧器. 发明专利, 授权, 2021. 08 中国. 202010713174.8
4. 许焕焕, 李玉昆, 卢林, 谢敏, 任霄汉, 朱子霖. 一种能够燃用多组分燃料的微火焰阵列燃烧器. 发明专利, 授权, 2020.01 中国. ZL202010044027.6
5. 孙绍增, 孟顺, 许焕焕, 邱朋华等. 一种煤基燃料近零排放发电系统及方法. 2012.08 中国. ZL201210122465.5.