1. 基本情况
2. 教育经历
3. 工作经历
4. 研究方向
1) 太阳能光/热/电转换及新能源高效利用技术
2) 大气-海洋光热辐射传输及遥感识别
3) 先进微纳米材料光/热辐射特性理论预测与设计
4) 航天器热分析与热控制技术
5) 微纳米尺度热辐射及热辐射特性测量
6) 复杂颗粒弥散介质体系辐射传输机理及应用
5. 科研项目
[6] 横向项目,纳米颗粒光学特性测量及理论分析研究,2022.06-2023.12,主持。
[5] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,颗粒弥散介质非独立散射判据及其修正方法研究,2019.01-2021.12,主持。
[4] 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目,黄渤海典型浮游植物的光谱辐射特性及其遥感反演 预测,2021.06-2023.12,主持。
[3] 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目,近海面跨介质非均匀水体蓝绿激光辐射传输机制研究,2019.11-2022.12,主持。
[2] yh86银河国际官方网站青年学者未来计划,复杂环境背景下颗粒弥散介质标量/矢量辐射传输机制研究,2020.09-2025.08,主持。
[1] yh86银河国际官方网站基本科研业务费项目,考虑颗粒间非独立散射作用的弥散介质辐射传输特性研究,2018.09-2020.12,主持。
6. 主讲课程
7. 实验条件
8. 招生信息
9. 发表论文、著作、专利
[34] Hu Lechuan, Ma Lanxin#, Wang Chengchao, Liu Linhua#. Machine learning-assisted design of polarization-controlled dynamically switchable full-color metasurfaces. Optics Express, 2022, 30(15): 26519-26533.
[33] Zhou Yan, Hu Lechuan, Wang Chengchao#, Ma Lanxin#. Evaluation and design of colored Silicon nanoparticle systems using a bidirectional deep neural network. Nanomaterials, 2022, 12(15): 2715.
[32] Li Xiaoning, Wang Chengchao#, Ma Lanxin, Liu Linhua#. Ellipsometry-transmission measurement of the complex refractive indices for a series of organic solvents in the 200–1700 nm spectral range. Infrared Physics and Technology, 2022, 125:104313.
[31] Ma Lanxin, Hu Lechuan, Jia Chengwei, Wang Chengchao#, Liu Linhua#. Quantitative evaluation of the phase function effects on light scattering and radiative transfer in dispersed systems. Photonics, 2022, 9(8): 584.
[30] Ma Lanxin, Hu Kaixiang, Wang Chengchao, Yang Jiayue, Liu Linhua#. Prediction and inverse design of structural colors of nanoparticle systems via deep neutral network. Nanomaterials, 2021, 11(12): 3339.
[29] Ma Lanxin, Zhai Jinan, Wang Chengchao#. An investigation of the single scattering approximation through direct electromagnetic scattering simulation. OSA Continuum, 2021, 4(9), 2496-2509.
[28] Wang Chengchao, Ma Lanxin#, Liu Linhua#. Spectral radiative properties of seawater-in-oil emulsions in visible-infrared region. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2021, 272: 107823.
[27] Li Xingcan#, Lin Li, Xie Bowei, Wu Minghui, Ma Lanxin, Yang Jia-Yue. Optical properties of biochemical compositions of microalgae within the spectral range from 300 to 1700 nm. Applied Optics, 2021, 60(32): 10232-10238
[26] Ma Lanxin, Wang Cunhai, Liu Linhua#. Polarized radiative transfer in dense dispersed media containing optically soft sticky particles. Optics Express, 2020, 28(19): 28252-28268.
[25] Ma Lanxin, Wang Chengchao#. Isosbestic light absorption by metallic dimers: Effect of interparticle electromagnetic coupling. Applied Optics, 2020, 59(4): 1028-1036.
[24] Zhai Jinan, Ma Lanxin, Xu Wenbin, Liu Linhua#. Effect of host medium absorption on the radiative properties of dispersed media consisting of optically soft particles. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2020, 254: 107206.
[23] Ma Lanxin, Wang Chengchao#, Tan Jianyu. Light scattering by densely packed optically soft particle systems, with consideration of the particle agglomeration and dependent scattering. Applied Optics, 2019, 58(27): 7336-7345.
[22] Ma Lanxin, Xie Bowei, Wang Chengchao, Liu Linhua#. Radiative transfer in dispersed media: considering the effect of host medium absorption on particle scattering. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2019, 230: 24-35.
[21] Wang Chengchao, Ma Lanxin#. Effect of host medium absorption on polarized radiative transfer in dispersed media. Applied Optics, 2019, 58(26): 7157-7164.
[20] Xie Bowei, Ma Lanxin, Zhao Junming, Liu Linhua#. Wang Xinzhi, He Yurong. Experimental study of the radiative properties of hedgehog-like ZnO–Au composite particles. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2019, 232: 93-103.
[19] Xie Bowei, Ma Lanxin, Zhao Junming, Liu Linhua#. Dependent absorption property of nanoparticle clusters: an investigation of the competing effects in the near field. Optics Express, 2019, 27(8): A280-A291.
[18] Cheng Ziming, Wang Fuqiang#, Wang Hao, Liang Huaxu, Ma Lanxin. Effect of embedded polydisperse glass microspheres on radiative cooling of a coating. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019, 140: 358-367.
[17] Wang Fuqiang, Wang Hao, Dong Dayang, Cheng Ziming#, Ma Lanxin. Radiative transfer analysis of semitransparent medium with particles having non-uniform size distribution by differential-integration method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 130: 342-355.
[16] Ma Lanxin, Tan Jianyu#, Zhao Junming, Wang Fuqiang, Wang Chengan, Wang Yanyan. Dependent scattering and absorption by densely packed discrete spherical particles: Effects of complex refractive index. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2017, 196: 94-102.
[15] Ma Lanxin, Tan Jianyu#, Zhao Junming, Wang Fuqiang, Wang Chengan. Multiple and dependent scattering by densely packed discrete spheres: Comparison of radiative transfer and Maxwell theory. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2017, 187: 255-266.
[14] Wang Fuqiang, Ma Lanxin, Cheng Ziming, Tan Jianyu#, Huang Xing, Liu Linhua. Radiative heat transfer in solar thermochemical particle reactor: A comprehensive review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017, 73: 935-949.
[13] Wang Fuqiang, Ma Lanxin, Tan Jianyu#, Guan Zhennan, Liu Linhua. Optical constant measurements of solar thermochemical reaction catalysts and optical window. Optik, 2017, 131: 323-334.
[12] Cheng Ziming, Wang Fuqiang#, Xie Yinmo, Ma Lanxin, Xu Huijin, Tan Jianyu, Bai Fengwu. Investigation of optical properties and radiative transfer of sea water-based nanofluids for photocatalysis with different salt concentrations. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(43): 26626-26638.
[11] Tan Jianyu, Xie Yinmo, Wang Fuqiang#, Jing Lin, Ma Lanxin. Investigation of optical properties and radiative transfer of TiO2 nanofluids with the consideration of scattering effects. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 115: 1103-1112.
[10] Wang Chengan#, Ma Lanxin, Tan Jianyu, Liu Linhua#. Study of radiative transfer in 1D densely packed bed layer containing absorbing–scattering spherical particles. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 102: 669-678.
[9]王成安#,马兰新,谭建宇. 含气泡水层介质对蓝绿波段漫射光水下传输过程的影响研究, 工程热物理学报,2016, 37(3), 629-632.
[8] Wang Fuqiang, Guan Zhennan, Tan Jianyu#, Ma Lanxin, Yan Zhenyu, Tan Heping. Transient thermal performance response characteristics of porous-medium receiver heated by multi-dish concentrator. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 75: 36-41.
[7] Ma Lanxin, Wang Fuqiang#, Wang Chengan, Wang Chengchao, Tan Jianyu. Investigation of the spectral reflectance and bidirectional reflectance distribution function of sea foam layer by the Monte Carlo method. Applied Optics, 2015, 54(33): 9863-9874.
[6] Ma Lanxin, Wang Fuqiang#, Wang Chengan, Wang Chengchao, Tan Jianyu. Monte Carlo simulation of spectral reflectance and BRDF of the bubble layer in the upper ocean. Optics Express, 2015, 23(19): 24274-24289.
[5] 马兰新,王富强#,王成安,谭建宇. 吸收性介质内气泡的表观辐射特性研究, 工程热物理学报,2015, 36(8), 1794-1798.
[4] 王成安#,马兰新. 重力场下顺磁性介质内辐射与热磁对流的耦合, 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2015, 47(9), 68-72.
[3] Wang Fuqiang, Tan Jianyu#, Ma Lanxin, Leng Yu. Effects of key factors on solar aided methane steam reforming in porous medium thermochemical reactor. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 103: 419-430.
[2] Wang Fuqiang, Tan Jianyu#, Ma Lanxin, Wang Chengchao. Effects of glass cover on heat flux distribution for tube receiver with parabolic trough collector system. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 90: 47-52.
[1] Wang Fuqiang, Tan Jianyu#, Ma Lanxin, Shuai Yong, Tan Heping, Leng Yu. Thermal performance analysis of porous medium solar receiver with quartz window to minimize heat flux gradient. Solar Energy, 2014, 108: 348-359.
[5] 马兰新,王程超,张文杰,杨家跃,胡凯翔,刘林华. 微纳米颗粒体系结构色的正向预测和反向设计方法及系统,ZL202111324365.6
[4] 王程超,马兰新,张文杰,谭建宇,刘林华. 一种基于椭偏/透射联合测量液体光学常数的方法及系统,专利号. ZL202010710542.3
[3] 王富强,马兰新,王程超,王成安,谭建宇. 基于毛细抽吸两相流体环路和相变材料耦合热控技术的电池热管理系统,专利号. ZL 201410161035.3
[2] 王富强,谭建宇,马兰新,刘一波,巩向涛. 一种具有防止光学窗口热变形和破碎的悬浮粒子系太阳能热化学反应器, 专利号. ZL 201510112984.7
[1] 王富强,谭建宇,谢银模,来庆志,王成安,马兰新,王程超. 悬浮粒子系太阳能热化学反应器, 专利号. ZL 201410635125.1